Networking and Data - Wi-Fi set up

With the advance of network infrastructure technology, it has become practically mandatory for small, medium, and large companies.

Regardless of the number of computers in the company, the cables must be connected correctly, providing good support for the company.

A good network infrastructure provides interaction between partners, employees and customers within the organization.

Because of this, there is greater complexity in traffic patterns, data volume, and more threats that compromise the security of the network and its users.

What is network infrastructure?

The network infrastructure has the responsibility of establishing a suitable connection for business use.

It is necessary to find a satisfactory point that does not overload the equipment, and does not harm the electrical network or the cabling.

Therefore, proper planning of the structure and installation of the existing cables in the environment is necessary.

But what is the point of all this? 

To make sure that people can work safely, promptly, and effectively on site.

In this way it is very important to have a good network infrastructure, since the Internet is a strategic tool.

A company needs to be fully connected, because through it there will be a greater guarantee of success in the enterprise.

Benefits of installing a network in the company

The company that has an integrated team will always be ahead. Due to the network, there is easily countless sharing of information, thus providing greater flexibility in the provision of services and saving time and costs.

Virtual integration systems and intranet platforms allow managers to make changes in the company’s structure.

These changes can be made quickly and smoothly.

Reduction of maintenance expenses

When a company decides to integrate its tools into a single infrastructure, their performance will be optimized.

With a corporate system integrated to the web or to smart devices, there will be an easier exchange of information.

In addition, there is a significant increase in the quality index of data-intensive applications.

This makes for more accurate and reduced operating costs.

And this reduction is because you are dealing with less equipment.

Best of all, by reducing errors and optimizing the network, there will be less device replacement.

And by reducing the change of devices, less expenses will be incurred.

Easy access to new technologies

Most of the trends that have emerged in recent years are related to the web, such as gadgets, cloud computing systems, among others.

This means that a company that plans its network infrastructure for the long term can adopt new solutions.

An example of a solution is if a company migrates to an integrated management system in the cloud.

In this way it will be reducing costs and investments will be lower.

Other companies that have a robust network infrastructure are able to withstand the challenges imposed by the market.

Better service performance

Modern companies have been providing services on a large scale via the network.

Moreover, most of the time their services are cloud-based.

But they need a stable and fast connection, as well as a low packet loss rate.

Therefore, investing in a network infrastructure is ideal to be able to meet all demands with reliability and stability.

This proves how important it is for companies to have a network infrastructure.

By having an infrastructure installed correctly, there will certainly be a return on the investment made.

The investment in network infrastructure usually lasts more than 8 years, depending on the needs of each company.

To implement a network infrastructure project, it is necessary to hire qualified professionals.

In addition, certifications and experience in the market are required to ensure that the project comes out exactly as the company needs.

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